Artist Alley & Writer’s Way Rules
All Exhibitors, vendors, artists and others to whom space is rented must commit to being at the event Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Set up must be completed by 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 9 and access to the building will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday until 8:00 p.m. The building will reopen on Friday for set up at 8:00 a.m. and AA/WW will open to the public at 9:00 a.m.
I agree to pay the $100 vendor fee no later than May 15 to guarantee my selection. I will receive an 8 ft table and 2 chairs in my designated booth space. Please note that a table cloth is available for rent for an additional $15.
Artist Alley – Writers Way Policies
All exhibitors, podcasters, vendors, artists and others to whom space is rented shall be hereby referred to as “exhibitors”. Your photo and bio will be posted on the website once it is received. Please note that if payment & photo are not received by May 15, your image may not be utilized on our website promotions.
Exhibitor Credentials
All Exhibitors must wear their MSC badges at all times. MSC badges may be picked up at the Metro*Chamber office, located at 516 Market Street.
Hold Harmless
By agreeing to exhibit at the Superman Celebration, the exhibitor agrees to protect, keep, and save the Superman Celebration and any employee or volunteer of the Superman Celebration forever harmless from any building issues, damages, loss, theft, cost, liability, act of God, terrorism or expenses that arise from exhibit at the show. This agreement covers full set-up, tear down and exit from the Superman Celebration.
Copyright Protection
The sale of unlicensed merchandise (including DVD/Blu Ray/CD) is strictly prohibited at the Superman Celebration and all associated events. Exhibitors are responsible for the legality of the items they sell. If unlicensed merchandise is found, exhibitor will be given the opportunity to remove it from the grounds. Repeat offenders may be dismissed from the convention without refund.
Taxes and/or Licenses
Exhibitors are responsible for any and all required sales tax, income tax, insurance payments and/or license fees required by the state of Illinois, Massac County and/or the city of Metropolis.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations must be made in writing. Cancellation by May 15, 2025 will result in a refund of 50% of any monies paid, minus non-refundable deposits. After May 15, no refunds will be issued.
No Show Policy
Exhibitors are expected to arrive and have their assigned space set up and manned for the duration of the event. Any booth vendor must complete their set up by 9:00 AM Friday, June 9 unless prior notice has been arranged. Exhibitors who do not arrive by the designated time or do not show will be at risk of having their booth space reclaimed without refund.
Duration of the Show
Unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed to by a member of the Superman Celebration staff, all exhibitors are expected to maintain their space for the entire duration of the event.
Right to Deny
The Superman Celebration reserves the right to deny any exhibitor access to any event if the event management feels that participation by a group or individual will harm the event in any manner.
Exhibitor Space
Exhibitors will limit their display to the rented space and will not alter the floor plan in any way. No exhibitor can have item(s) in the aisle(s) of the vendor area without prior written permission of the event manager.
X-Rated/Inappropriate Material
The Superman Celebration is a family-friendly, all age event. Exhibitor agrees to keep adult materials out of the view of the public. The sale of adult materials is strictly prohibited. The Superman Celebration reserves the right to determine what artist/writers will be allowed to have at the booth.
The Superman Celebration reserves the right to ask artist/writer to leave with no refund of monies if any rules are broken.
Metropolis Chamber of Commerce
516 Market Street
Metropolis, IL. 62960
618-524-2714 [email protected]