How do I meet the 2025 Metropolis Superman Celebration Celebrities? That’s the #2 question asked (after who are they?!), so here’s everything you need to know!

Featured Guests

Our Featured Guests will require a Session Pass to gain admission into an Autograph Session and one Session Pass will allow you to meet all Featured Guest celebrities. Those passes are included in the following sponsorships: one pass is included in the MSC Vip Individual Sponsorship and in the Up, Up & Away Sponsorship. The America’s Hero Sponsorship includes two passes for an Autograph Session which can be the same or two different time slots, as well as two celebration shirts, lanyards, etc. When you purchase your Sponsorship, you will specify which Autograph Session you would like to attend and you can come at any time during that session’s times. Please keep in mind that there is a limited number of fans that can go through the line of each session time slot and it is first come, first serve on selection. Having ticketed sessions allows you to enjoy the Celebration without standing in a long line to meet the celebrities and those sponsorships also help the Celebration bring in the celebrities we are all excited to meet! There are fees for photos, selfies, and autographs and those prices will be listed below once that information is received. You will also receive an official Celebration shirt designed just for the Sponsors, lanyard, keepsake box, coupons and items from our local businesses, admission into our Sponsor appreciation party and so much more!

You’ll pick up your box from the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce during the Celebration and the times and dates will be posted here, as well as emailed to you closer to the Celebration dates. You’re going to give us the name the Sponsorship is under, we’ll hand you your box and the session pass(es) for the time slot you chose when you purchased your Sponsorship. You will need to sign for the passes and don’t lose them as there are no replacements! There is a limited number of passes for each session which will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. No reservations.

The Celebrities will have photos to purchase and that price includes their autograph on it. You can also bring in an item to be autographed for a fee at the Celebrity’s discretion. Selfies with the Celebrity will be taken with your camera/phone and one of our helpful volunteers will take that photo for you. Autograph and Selfie Prices will be announced here as soon as that information is available.

Special Guests

The Special Guests do not require an Autograph Session pass. You’ll simply stand in line to meet them and you can meet them as many times as you like. Sponsors will receive a Fast Pass that gets you to the head of the line. Special Guests will have fees for Autographs, Selfies and Photos which will be posted here as soon as that information is available.

Thank you! We think you are SUPER!